20171014 - Allstar Network
Post date: Oct 14, 2017 6:08:01 AM
Peter VK6LV sends in this information for whenever you are using the Allstar Network.
Note: Always make sure you disconnect the from the VK6 southwest hubs before connecting to any other hubs around the world.
How to: Disconnect from the Southwest VK6 Hubs, Connecting to the UK Allstar Hub, Disconnect from the UK Hub when you have finished, and then Reconnect the Southwest Hubs again.
PTT + DTMF tone *76 will disconnect VK6RLM from the VK6 southwest hubs.
To Connect to the UK Allstar hub: PTT + *3 41522.
When you have finished with the UK Hub:
PTT + DTMF tone *76 will disconnect VK6RLM from the UK Hub Network when you have finished.
(You can only disconnect from the UK Hub network when there are no conversations taking place)
PTT + DTMF tone *3 42732 will reconnect the VK6 southwest Hubs
Reconnect - *3 427 32Â
You can use: http://stats.allstarlink.org/getstatus.cgi?28608 at any time to view the state of the Allstar connections.
#allstar #vk6lb